Monday 7 March 2011

QI: The Fifth and Final Round

Well then, another right, and quite interesting, answer, meaning you now have 17 points. At this rate I may just have to draw you a map.

The correct answer was, of course:

' Saddam Hussein after he donated about $250,000 to the Chaldean Sacred Heart church.  That poor judgement was only partially tempered by Detroit's mayor Dave Bing when he recently presented Elmo (of Sesame Street fame) a key during a visit to the Children's Hospital.   But perhaps Miami commissioner Tomas Regalado showed equally poor judgement when he gave that city's key to rapper and admitted drug-dealer Pitbull. Mayor Pro Tem of Dallas Dwaine Caraway gave a key to the city to Mike Vick, which, I suppose, is not as surprising, given that Dallas has quite a problem with stray dogs.'

So, for my fifth question:

What was Jonathan Swift's contribution to science?

Your almost there - let's see if you can make this a clean sweep.


The Enigmatic Writer.

P.S. Noticed an email I hadn't yet recieved. Make that 20 - 1 right answer and 2 interesting ones on top.

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