Saturday, 5 March 2011

QI: Round 1

So, you have accepted my challenge. How daring!

A recap of the rules:

I will give you a base score of 5.
I will ask you 5 questions. Your answers do not have to be right, just quite interesting.
If they are so, I add one to your score. If you are wrong and they are not interesting at all, I take away a point.
If you fall in to the trap of giving a far too obvious answer, I take away 2.

For every point you have, I will give you a nudge in the right direction.
However, for every point under 0, I shall hinder you in some way.
A score of -5 results in a major hinderance.

And so, your first question:

What was the first living thing to be sent into space?

Remember, do not give the obvious answer, your scores are cumulative (for example, someone sends in a right answer, and someone sends in an obvious one, you would gain -1 points) and you do not have to be right - just Quite Interesting.

Good luck my friends.


The Enigmatic Writer.

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