Thursday, 3 March 2011

The Story So Far: Part 1

Well, congratulations are in order. You managed to solve my little riddle! The answer of course, was who I believe to be one of the greatest examples of musical greatness on your world - the legendary AC/DC.

And now, as promised, some information on what is happening.

Around 50 years ago, the People of a certain world that, as mentioned earlier, is practically identical to yours other than how history panned out, became threatened when their sinful lives angered their Creators. How their very children, to whom they bestowed life, love, and all the pleasures of the world, could become so arrogant, so insolent as to turn their backs on them! The Creators decided that they must start afresh; they must re-originate the Planet and their Children so that they would not be ashamed of their work. This message was sent throughout their World so that they may know exactly why they did not deserve the gifts they had been given.

However, a single young woman by the name of Kezia D'Autur offered herself so that the rest might be spared. The Creators saw this, and it touched them to think that perhaps there was a glimmer of hope left, that perhaps they hadn't just created a disgraceful example of Humanity. They agreed to take her as a Sacrifice, so long as in a Court of Law they could prove that she was guilty of at least one sin in her life. While awaiting trial, she was sent to Prison to wait - after all, if she was to be tried, surely she should be treated as a criminal. There she met and befriended the young priestess Sister Cambria, who became a great comfort to Kezia, as she had grown up practically alone - her Father left her as a child and her Mother became terminally ill and died when she was a mere 8 years old. Before she died, however, her Mother gave her a sealed letter, telling her only to open it when the time was right, and that she would know when that time was. It eventually came to the trial, and unbeknownst to Kezia or her good friend Cambria, the Judges and the Elders had decided to find her guilty no matter the circumstances, to ensure the safety of her people.

She was immediately taken away and placed in front of a firing line, and Kezia, thinking now was as good a time as any, reached into her pocket and pulled out a wax-sealed envelope. Before she could actually read it however, the squad was ordered to fire, and fire they did. Sister Cambria, who was there to comfort Kezia at this darkest hour, saw the envelope clutched in her hand, and retrieved it before any of the Guards could. She keeps it to this very day, still sealed, waiting for the day when it should be opened.

Of course, this is not the full story - if you want the rest, your going to have to solve another of my puzzles ;).

For the continuation of the story, riddle me this:

If east is still east, and west is still west, how can it be possible that North is South, and South is North?

Answers on a (virtual) postcard please.

Yours so long as there is still a story to be told,

The Enigmatic Writer.

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