Friday 4 March 2011

The Story Continues...:Part 2

Again, congratulations, you managed to solve the riddle and answer the bonus question - the answer being a Geomagnetic Reversal. And so, we come to part 2:

In the past 50 years, the people who our dear Kezia had sacrificed herself so selflessly to save learned nothing. They simply continued to live their sinful lives, ungrateful of her gift to them and the second chance their Creators had chosen to grant them. The Creators saw that this might happen when they accepted Kezia as a sacrifice, and so implemented a failsafe; a watcher, who was to stay behind and monitor the world. If they continued as they were, which of course they did, the Observer was to ressurect Kezia as a sign - a sign that again, they had failed the very ones who gave them life, and who had given them the second chance that so many other races had not.

The Observer has of course now ressurected Kezia, though presently none of the world but herself knows. It shouldn't be too long before they found out though - a grave being reopened is something that won't go unnoticed for too long. And, of course, when the world learns that Kezia has been ressurected, history is bound to repeat itself - some parts of it at least.

And, as promised, the bonus piece of information:

I believe an old friend of hers would like to hear of this news before anyone else.

Of course, there is more to the story, but I believe that this will do for now. No doubt you will have questions, which I will answer - but, as is and will always be the case, not for free.

Yours so long as there is still history in the making,

The Enigmatic Writer.

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